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Dr. Cristian Tejedor-García

currently works as an assistant professor (UD) at the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and the department of Language and Communication, at Radboud University. He also collaborates with the research group ECA-SIMM in the Department of Computer Science at EII - University of Valladolid.
He received both Bachelors and Masters (with honours) degree in Computer Engineering in 2014 and 2016 and his PhD (international mention and cum laude) in Computer Science in 2020. From 2021 to 2023, he carried out his postdoc at the CLST in three research projects related to automatic speech recognition and also performed teaching tasks.
His research interests include automatic speech recogntion, AI, Human-Computer interaction, and learning applications.

What is my current research?

Responsible AI for Voice Diagnostics (RAIVD)

"Responsible AI for Voice Diagnostics" project 2024-2028. Currently looking for PhD candidates. Send me an email 📧
ST.CART project 2020-2023
ASTLA project 2021-2026
HoMed project 2020-2023
Mobiilirakendus eesti keele häälduse treenimiseks project 2021-2022

Teaching load course 2016/2017: 4.8 EC (S2). Programming Paradigms*: 🐍 L3 and L6.
Teaching load course 2017/2018: 4.8 EC (S2). Programming Paradigms*: 🐍 L4 and L8.
Teaching load course 2018/2019: 5.4 EC (S1 and S2). Computing**: 💻 L2 and Programming Paradigms*: 🐍 L8.
Teaching load course 2019/2020: 4.8 EC (S2). Programming Paradigms*: 🐍 L1 and L5.
Teaching load course 2020/2021: 8.2 EC (S1). Database systems Analysis and Design*: 💾 X2, X3 and X4.
Teaching load course 2021/2022: 11.0 EC Programming for beginners: Python**: 🐍 and (Automatic) Speech Recognition*: 🗣.
Teaching load course 2022/2023: 15.0 EC Python***: 🐍, Introduction to Language and Speech Technology***: 💻🎙️, (Automatic) Speech Recognition***: 🗣 y Research Project***.
Teaching load course 2023/2024: 50.0 EC Python***: 🐍, Introduction to Language and Speech Technology***: 💻🎙️, (Automatic) Speech Recognition***: 🗣, Bachelor's thesis***, Research Project***, Think tank: Study Abroad***.
*Degree in Computer Engineering, Degree in Statistics and INdat
**Degree in Design Engineering and Product Development (University of Valladolid)
***Several degrees at the Fculty of Arts (Radboud Universiteit)
**** Research Master in Linguistics and Communication Sciences, Radboud Universiteit.

Supervisor of bachelor's theses (16) and internships (7).

You can also download my applications from some markets or read latest updates at my twitter account.

Publications (October 2024)

  1. Innovative Speech-Based Deep Learning Approaches for Parkinson’s Disease Classification: A Systematic Review. van den Gelderen L., Tejedor-Garcia, C., (2024) Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(17):7873. DOI: 10.3390/app14177873 

  2. Scenario of Use Scheme: Threat Modelling for Speaker Privacy Protection in the Medical Domain. Rahman, M.U., Larson, M., Bosch, L.t., Tejedor-García, C., (2024) Proc. 4th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication (SPSC 2024), 21-25. DOI: 10.21437/SPSC.2024-4 

  3. Finetuning Large Pretrained Phonetic ASR Models for Reading Miscue Detection in Primary School. Gao L., Tejedor-Garcia C., ten Bosch L., Strik H., Cucchiarini C., (2024) Proc. 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2024), 18-19. Tartu, Estonia.  Link 

  4. Enhancing Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) with Hybrid and End-to-End Children ASR Models. Kamlesh Parikh A., Tejedor-Garcia C., Strik H., Cucchiarini C., (2024) Proc. 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2024), 18-19. Tartu, Estonia.  Link 

  5. Reading Miscue Detection in Primary School through Automatic Speech Recognition. Gao, L., Tejedor-Garcia, C., Strik, H., Cucchiarini, C. (2024) Proc. Interspeech 2024, 5153-5157 DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2024-1180 

  6. An Innovative Methodology Utilizing AI-based Automatic Speech Recognition for Transcribing Dutch Patient-Provider Consultation Recordings. Tejedor-García C., van den Heuvel H., van Hessen A., van Dulmen S., and Pieters T. DH Benelux 2024, 5-7 June, Leuven, Belgium.  10.5281/zenodo.11071086 

  7. Comparative Analysis of State-of-the-Art Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Transcribing Medical Consultation Audio Recordings. Tejedor-García C., van den Heuvel H., van Hessen A., van Dulmen S., and Pieters T. Supporting Health by Technology 13th Conference (HealthByTech), May 30 & 31, 2024, Groningen (The Netherlands) URL 

  8. Comparing Modular and End-To-End Approaches in ASR for Well-Resourced and Low-Resourced Languages. A. Parikh, L. ten Bosch, H. van den Heuvel, and C. Tejedor-Garcia. In M. Abbas & A. A. Freihat (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023), pp. 266–273. Trento, Italy, 20 December 2023 

  9. Enhancing ASR-Based Educational Applications: Peer Evaluation of Non-Native Child Speech. S. Wills, C. Tejedor-Garcia, C. Cucchiarini and H. Strik. Proc. 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), pp. 16-20, Dublin, Ireland, 18-20, August 2023 DOI: 10.21437/SLaTE.2023-4 🏆Best paper of the conference award.

  10. Automatic Speech Recognition of Dutch Child Speech for Language Learning Applications. Wills, S., Tejedor-Garcia, C., Bai Y., Cucchiarini, C., & Strik, H.. Proceedings of CLIN33, Antwerp, Belgium, 23rd September 2023.

  11. Alzheimer Disease Classification through ASR-based Transcriptions: Exploring the Impact of Punctuation and Pauses. L. Gómez-Zaragozá, S. Wills, C. Tejedor-Garcia, J. Marín-Morales, M. Alcañiz and H. Strik. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, pp. 5232-5236, Dublin, Ireland, 20-24, August 2023 DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1734

  12. Automatic Assessment of Oral Reading Accuracy for Reading Diagnostics. B. Molenaar, C. Tejedor-Garcia, H. Strik and C. Cucchiarini. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, pp. 5232-5236, Dublin, Ireland, 20-24, August 2023 DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1681

  13. Automatic Speech Recognition of Non-Native Child Speech for Language Learning Applications . S. Wills, Y. Bai, C. Tejedor-García, C. Cucchiarini and H. Strik. Proceedings of SLATE23, Porto, Portugal, 26-28 June 2023, pp. 7:1-7:8  DOI: 10.4230/OASIcs.SLATE.2023.7

  14. Automatic Speech Recognition-based Dutch Language Learning Games in Primary Education. S. Wills, C. Tejedor-García and C. Cucchiarini. Proceedings of CILIDi, Alicante, Spain, 4th May 2023, p.67.  Link

  15. ASR-based Alzheimer's Disease Detection using Spoken Digital Healthcare Assistant Interactions. S. Wills, L. Gómez-Zaragozá, C. Tejedor-García & C. Cucchiarini. Proceedings of CILIDi, Alicante, Spain, 4th May 2023, p.68.  Link

  16. Automatic Pronunciation Assessment vs. Automatic Speech Recognition: a Study of Conflicting Conditions for L2-English. Enrique Cámara-Arenas, Cristian Tejedor-García, Cecilia Judith Tomas-Vázquez, David Escudero-Mancebo. Language Learning & Technology, 27(1), pp. 1-19. 2023.

  17. Improving Spanish L1 learners' perception and production of Estonian vowels. K. Leppik, C. Tejedor-García, E-L. Asu, P. Lippus. In proceedings of ISAPh 2022: 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, pp. 34-39, Lund, Sweden, 15th Sep. 2022. DOI: 10.21437/ISAPh.2022-7

  18. Improving Spanish L1 learners' perception and production of Estonian vowels with the CAPT tool Estoñol: a pilot study. K. Leppik, C. Tejedor-García, E-L. Asu, P. Lippus. In proceedings of ISAPh 2022: 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics, Lund, Sweden, 15th Sep. 2022. PDF Link

  19. Towards an Open-Source Dutch Speech Recognition System for the Healthcare Domain. Cristian Tejedor-García; Berrie van der Molen; Henk van den Heuvel; Arjan van Hessen; Toine Pieters. Proceedings of LREC 2022, Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France. June 20-24, pp. 1032-1039.

  20. Exploring automating accuracy assessment of children's oral reading. Bo Molenaar, Cristian Tejedor-García, Catia Cucchiarini and Helmer Strik. Proceedings of CLIN32, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 17 June 2022.

  21. Design Principles of an Automatic Speech Recognition Functionality in a User-centric Signed and Spoken Language Translation System. Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, Henk Van den Heuvel and Cristian Tejedor-García. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 12, 19–32, December 2022.

  22. Challenges on the Promising Road to Automatic Speech Recognition of Privacy-Sensitive Dutch Doctor-Patient Consultation Recordings. Berrie van der Molen, Cristian Tejedor-García, Henk van den Heuvel, Roeland Ordelman, Toine Pieters, Sandra van Bulmen, Arjan van Hessen. DH Benelux 2022 - ReMIX: Creation and alteration in DH. Belval Campus, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and online, June 1-3, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6517157

  23. AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY AND READING SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. Yu Bai, Cristian Tejedor-García, Ferdy Hubers, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik. In: ICERI2021 Proceedings, pp. 6188-6195, Nov. 2021.   DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1393

  24. An ASR-Based Tutor for Learning to Read: How to Optimize Feedback to First Graders. Yu Bai, Cristian Tejedor-García, Ferdy Hubers, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik. In: Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds) Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12997, pp. 58-69. Springer, Cham. Sep. 2021.   DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_6

  25. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Systems Applied to Pronunciation Assessment of L2 Spanish for Japanese Speakers. Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, David Escudero-Mancebo. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 6695, 21 Jul. 2021.  DOI: 10.3390/app11156695

  26. Performance Comparison of Specific and General-Purpose ASR Systems for Pronunciation Assessment of Japanese Learners of Spanish. Cristian Tejedor-García. Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, David Escudero-Mancebo. Valladolid, Spain, 24-25 Mar. 2021. pp. 6-10.  DOI: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2021-2

  27. Design and Evaluation of Mobile Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training Tools for Second Language Learning: a Ph.D. Thesis Overview. Cristian Tejedor-García. Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, David Escudero-Mancebo. Valladolid, Spain, 24-25 Mar. 2021. pp. 160-164.  DOI: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2021-35

  28. Design and Evaluation of Mobile Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training Tools for Second Language Learning. Cristian Tejedor-García. PhD thesis (international mention, cum laude), Dept. Computer Science, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain, Sep. 2020. pp. 160-164.  DOI: 10.35376/10324/43663 (TESEO)

  29. DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF TWO MOBILE COMPUTER-ASSISTED PRONUNCIATION TRAINING TOOLS TO FAVOR AUTONOMOUS PRONUNCIATION TRAINING OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso Payo, and David Escudero-Mancebo. EDULEARN20 Proceedings, pp. 7639-7646, July 2020. DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1936

  30. Using Challenges to Enhance a Learning Game for Pronunciation Training of English as a Second Language. Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, Valentín Cardeñoso Payo, and César González-Ferreras. IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 74250-74266, April 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2988406

  31. Assessing Pronunciation Improvement in Students of English Using a Controlled Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Tool. Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, César González-Ferreras and Valentín Cardeñoso Payo. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 269-282, March 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2020.2980261

  32. Estoñol, a computer-assisted pronunciation training tool for Spanish L1 speakers to improve the pronunciation and perception of Estonian vowels. Katrin Leppik and Cristian Tejedor-García. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics (ESUKA – JEFUL), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 89–104, November 2019. DOI: 10.12697/jeful.2019.10.1.05

  33. Improving Pronunciation of Spanish as a Foreign Language for L1 Japanese Speakers with Japañol CAPT Tool. Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, María J. Machuca, David Escudero-Mancebo, Antonio Ríos and Takuya Kimura. Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2018, pp. 97-101, Barcelona, Spain. November 2018. DOI: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2018-21

  34. Japañol: a mobile application to help improving Spanish pronunciation by Japanese native speakers. Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo and David Escudero-Mancebo Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2018, p. 157-158, Barcelona, Spain. November 2018.

  35. Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Application for Second Language Pronunciation Training based on Minimal Pairs. Cristian Tejedor-García. Proceedings of SEPLN 2018. XXXIV Congreso Internacional De La Sociedad Española Para El Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural, pp. 7-11. Seville, Spain. September 2018.

  36. Japañol, a Computer Assisted Pronunciation Tool for Japanese Students of Spanish Based on Minimal Pairs. Takuya Kimura, Cristian Tejedor-García, María J. Machuca, Antonio Ríos and David Escudero-Mancebo. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics 2018, Aizu, Japan. September 2018.

  37. Evaluating the Efficiency of Synthetic Voice for Providing Corrective Feedback in a Pronunciation Training Tool Based on Minimal Pairs. Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, César González-Ferreras, Enrique Cámara-Arenas and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo. Proceedings of SLaTE 2017, pp. 26-30, Stockholm, Sweden. August 2017. DOI: 10.21437/SLaTE.2017-5

  38. Uso De Pares Mínimos En Herramientas Para La Práctica De La Pronunciación Del Español Como Lengua Extranjera. Cristian Tejedor-García and David Escudero-Mancebo. Revista de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. El español por el mundo. pp. 355-363, num. 1, 2018.

  39. TipTopTalk! Mobile application for speech training using minimal pairs and gamification. Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, César González-Ferreras, Enrique Cámara-Arenas and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo. Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2016, pp. 425-432, Lisbon, Portugal. November 2016. 🏆Best demo award.

  40. Improving L2 Production with a Gamified Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training Tool, TipTopTalk! Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, César González-Ferreras, Enrique Cámara-Arenas and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo. Proceedings of IberSPEECH 2016, pp. 177-185, Lisbon, Portugal. November 2016.

  41. Measuring pronunciation improvement in users of CAPT Tool TipTopTalk! Cristian Tejedor-García, David Escudero-Mancebo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, César González-Ferreras, and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo. Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, pp. 1178-1179. San Francisco, USA. September 2016.

  42. TipTopTalk!: A game to improve the perception and production of L2 sounds. Andreia Rauber, Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso Payo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, César González-Ferreras, David Escudero-Mancebo, and Anabela Rato. Abstracts of New Sounds Aarhus, 8th International Conference on Second Language Speech, pp. 160, Aarhus, Denmark. June 2016.

  43. Playing around Minimal Pairs to improve pronunciation training. Cristian Tejedor-García, Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, César González-Ferreras and David Escudero-Mancebo. IFCASL Project 2015. Individualized Feedback for Computer-Assisted Spoken Language Learning. Workshop on "Feedback in Pronunciation Training". Saarland, Germany. November 2015.

  44. Implementation and Test of a Serious Game Based on Minimal Pairs for Pronunciation Training. David Escudero-Mancebo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, Cristian Tejedor-García, César González-Ferreras and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo. Proceedings of SLaTE 2015, pp. 125-130, Leipzig, Germany. September 2015.

Conference attendances

  1. International conference: DHBenelux 2024.  Leuven, Belgium. June 5-7, 2024. On-line: Programme [Accessed 7th June 2024].

  2. International conference: Supporting Health by Technology 2024.  Groningen, The Netherlands. May 30-31, 2024. On-line: Programme [Accessed 7th June 2024].

  3. International conference: CILIDi 2023.  Alicante, Spain. May 5, 2023. On-line: Programme [Accessed 27th May 2023].

  4. International conference: LREC 2022 (13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference).  Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France. June 20-24, 2022. On-line: [Accessed 20th April 2022].

  5. International conference: DH Benelux 2022: RE-MIX. Creation and alteration in DH (Hybrid).  Belval Campus, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and online. June 1-3, 2022. On-line: [Accessed 5th May 2022].

  6. International conference: IberSPEECH 2020. XI Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla and the V Iberian SLTech Workshop events. Valladolid, Spain. March 24-25, 2021. On-line: [Accessed 20th February 2021].

  7. International conference: "EDULEARN20" 12th International conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. July 6-7, 2020. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2019].

  8. International workshop: "Nordic-LASI 2019" International workshop - University of Tallinn. Tallinn, Estonia. August 28-30, 2019. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2020].

  9. International conference: IberSPEECH 2018. X Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla and the V Iberian SLTech Workshop events. Barcelona, Spain. November 21-23, 2018. On-line: [Accessed 13th October 2018].

  10. International conference: SEPLN 2018. XXXIV Congreso Internacional De La Sociedad Española Para El Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural. Seville, Spain. September 19-21, 2018. On-line: [Accessed 13th October 2018].

  11. International conference: SLaTE 2017. Speech and Language Technology in Education. Djuronaset, Stockholm, Sweden. August 25-26, 2017 On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2019.

  12. International conference: LII International conference AEPE - Universidad De Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain. July 24-28, 2017. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2017].

  13. International conference: IberSPEECH 2016. IX Jornadas en Tecnologías del Habla and the V Iberian SLTech Workshop events. INESC-ID Lisbon, RTTH and SIG-IL. Lisbon, Portugal. November 23-25, 2016. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2017].

  14. International workshop: The "LASI Spain 2016" International workshop - University of Deusto (UD) and SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics). Deusto Campus, Bilbao, Spain. June 27-28, 2016. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2017].

  15. National conference: II Jornada de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones. Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. April 28, 2016. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2017]. 🏆Best poster of the session award.

  16. International conference: IFCASL Project 2015. Workshop on "Feedback in Pronunciation Training". Saarbrücken, Germany. November 5-6, 2015. On-line: [Accessed 13th August 2017].

Bachelor theses

  1. [Project direction] Deepfake Dilemma: Exploring the Impact of Deepfake Images, Videos, Text and Audio on Social Media Perception - International Business Communication - 2024 - 5 students are currently working on this topic - Link[On-going]

  2. [Project direction] Preprocessing intent classification using an adaptive scripted chatbot for a changing cloud platform. - Research Project Master AI - Intelligent Technology - 2023 - S. Greb - URL [Accessed 27th February 2024]

  3. [Project direction] Desarrollo de frontend web para grabación de ficheros de audio en tiempo real - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2023 - D. Figueroa Fernández - Link [Accessed 21st November 2023]

  4. [Project direction] Migración de juego educativo a Unity3D - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2022 - G. Fernández González. - Link [Accessed 26th November 2022]

  5. [Project direction] Integración de herramientas estadísticas con Python - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2022 - E. Delgado de Paz. - Link [Accessed 26th November 2022]

  6. [Project direction] Propuesta de matchmaking para aplicaciones educativas multijugador online - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2021 - M. Panadero Palazuelos. - Link [Accessed 26th November 2022]

  7. [Project direction] Plataforma web para la gestión de contenedores Docker - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2022 - J. J. Pérez Calvo. - Link [Accessed 31st May 2022]

  8. [Project direction] Migración de aplicación Android con Google Play Games a API REST - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2021 - J. García Diéguez - Link [Accessed 18th December 2021].

  9. [Project direction] Desarrollo de una aplicación educativa multiplataforma para el entrenamiento de la pronunciación de idiomas - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2021 - A. Gamazo Ferrero - Link [Accessed 18th July 2021].

  10. [Collaboration] ERASMUSAVE: Idea de negocio sostenible para ahorrar dinero durante el periodo Erasmus - Degree in Design Engineering and Product Development - 2020 - L.M. García Riesco. ERASMUSAVE: Idea de negocio sostenible para ahorrar dinero durante el periodo Erasmus [Accessed 18th December 2020].

  11. [Project direction] API REST para la gestión de partidas multijugador de un juego serio - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2020 - A. de la Maza Valles - Link [Accessed 18th December 2020].

  12. [Project direction] GETEPER: aplicación multiplataforma para la gestión de tests perceptuales de audio - Degree in Computer Engineering (INdat) - 2019 - L. M. Calvo Magaz - Link [Accessed 13th November 2019].

  13. [Project direction] Desarrollo de aplicación para la generación de juegos geográficos a medida - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2019 - C. Gómez Escribano - Link [Accessed 24th October 2019].

  14. [Project direction] Desarrollo de la modalidad multijugador para la aplicación Clash of Pronunciation - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2017 - R. S. Navajas - Link [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  15. [Collaboration] Una solución para las dificultades de acceso al léxico: diseño de la aplicación +NOMIA - Degree in Speech Therapy - 2018 - M. del Mar Valderrábano Yudego - LinkUna solución para las dificultades de acceso al léxico: diseño de la aplicación +NOMIA [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  16. [Collaboration] Stop Bullying - App para la denuncia del acoso escolar - Degree in Design Engineering and Product Development - 2018 - R. Calvo - Stop Bullying - App para la denuncia del acoso escolar [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  17. [Collaboration]  Programación de aplicaciones Android para aprendizaje de Idiomas - Degree in Design Engineering and Product Development - 2018 - A. Colina Fernández - Link [Accessed 6th October 2018].

  18. [Collaboration] La anamorfosis en la realidad aumentada - Degree en Fundamentals of Architecture - 2017 - H. Crespo Aller - LinkVideo La anamorfosis en la realidad aumentada [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  19. [Collaboration] AdaptEye - Master in Chemical Engineering - 2017 - H. Trigueros Fernández - AdaptEye [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  20. [Collaboration] Videojuego serio para la promoción de Valladolid como ciudad para el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua - Degree in Design Engineering and Product Development - 2017 - V. Yolanda Portero López - Link [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  21. [Collaboration] Los GIF como recurso para la comunicación alternativa y aumentativa. Diseño de un SAAC - Degree in Speech Therapy - 2017 - A. Martín Román - LinkLos GIF como recurso para la comunicación alternativa y aumentativa. Diseño de un SAAC [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  22. [Collaboration] Movilidad urbana sostenible en el municipio de Valladolid - Degree in Geography and Territory Planning - 2015 - N. Prieto Vega - Link [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  23. [Own] TipTopTalk! Aplicación móvil para la mejora de pronunciación multilingüe mediante pares mínimos y gamificación - Masters in Computer Engineering - 2016 - Cristian Tejdor-García - Link [Accessed 13th July 2018].

  24. [Own] Desarrollo de una aplicación para la plataforma social educativa Edmodo - Degree in Computer Engineering - 2014 - Cristian Tejdor-García - Link [Accessed 13th July 2018].

List of my projects and collaborations

5 stars image
Japañol link


Japañol is a pedagogical application for Android that aims to improve the Spanish pronunciation of native Japanese speakers. Developed at ECA-SIMM laboratory group.

Estoñol link


Estoñol is a pedagogical application for Android that aims to improve the Estonian pronunciation of native Spanish speakers. Developed at ECA-SIMM laboratory group.

TipTopTalk! link


TipTopTalk!® is a serious game for foreign language (L2) pronunciation training with minimal pairs.
Languages: Spanish (ES), American and British English, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian and European Portuguese and German.

🏆Award: Best IberSPEECH'2016 software demo
🏆Award: Prometheus program 2015 of innovation products
🏆Award: Best poster of II Jornadas de Investigación en tecnologías de la información y Comunicaciones (University of Valladolid).
® Intellectual Property Register

Bus Pucela link

Bus Pucelalogologo

This is my first Android application.
Its primary goal is to see Valladolid urban buses times in real time.
It has been downloaded more than 50k times.
Valladolid urban buses real-time news and incidences web.
Valladolid urban buses time-lines web.
Acknowlege in a Bachelor's thesis (University of Valladolid): web.

  • Pucela Project: Web.
  • Fiestas Pucela 2015: Web.
  • Fiestas Pucela 2014: Web.
  • Aptiva: Web.
  • El día de Valladolid: Web.
  • Europa Press: Web.


Bus Pucela Prologologo

The most complete Valladolid urban buses times searcher application. It traces all map routes and it has unlimited time stops desktop widgets.


Bus Pucela Minilogo

The fastest Valladolid urban buses times searcher application. It has only the basics of an application of this type: favourite stops and a stop searcher.

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